The importance of agility exercises in tennis

How to walk well on the tennis court? What is agility training? Many players and coaches don't know how to perform agility drills in tennis. Agility training isn't incorporated enough at low levels, but it should be because it's an easy way to improve a player's performance.

Tennis agility training includes everything needed to help players improve coordination, balance, and footwork. There are thousands of exercises that can improve a tennis player's agility, helping them to perform better on the court. Basic coordination drills, such as catching or throwing the ball with or without action, are an easy way to improve agility on the court for young and beginning players.

Ladder training is suitable for people of all levels and ages. The only difference is the intensity and complexity of the tasks. These exercises are fun and great for improving a tennis player's coordination and footwork. Tennis is an activity that involves movement in all directions, so it is important to move forward, backward, and to the sides of the ladder.

Obstacle drills can be used to help players improve technique while moving. These exercises will emphasize different muscle actions, such as the hip flexors. If the player wants to clear all the obstacles, he has to use a good technique, then he will be able to use it on the field, and then move better.

Good tennis agility drills also help players improve their specific movements. Simple on-court drills like running to the ball and shadow casting will help players move better. In this type of training, really focus on the first step and the recovery step. There is no ball involved, perfect footwork technique must be used, and once a player starts doing this without thinking, they will be able to do it with a tennis ball in a real situation.

Balance training also helps players' agility. This can be done on the court, with single leg exercises, or on an unstable surface like a BOSU or balance disc. Depending on the level, just have the player balance on 1-2 legs for 1 minute, then they can start to close their eyes and add shade with a racket or tennis ball to catch and throw.

Working out on the beach is, for me, one of the best ways to improve agility and movement as a tennis player. Sand is an unstable surface that makes movement difficult. It will help players develop balance and leg strength. Once a player can move well in the sand, it will be much easier and faster on the tennis court.

Tennis agility drills should be included in all training programs, can be done on or off the court, and are generally simple and fun drills that can really help a tennis player improve. improve your game. There are many types of exercises, you can use a book or your own imagination, just make sure you use the correct technique.